Gender Wage Gap for Fresh College Graduates: Does It Exist Discrimination in Chinese Labor Market?

Journal: Advanced Management Science (AMS)
Author: Jun Kong

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited


This study uses survey data of graduates from all Beijing universities in 2007 to examine male-female job-search difference and starting wage discrimination of graduates six months after graduation. It uses Weibull regression in parametric survival model due to a standard distribution of data, and Heckman selection model to examine Mincer and Polachek’s theory of gender wage gap in employment because there exists a selection bias in the sample. The results show that gender gap exists both in the job searches and starting wages when female graduates enter the labor market for the first time. The findings indicate that female graduates have encountered gender discrimination in employment in the low-end labor market of China. Meanwhile there are differences in search behavior between males and females at their early job careers.


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